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Sindeton (bağlaçlı yapı)

Syndeton, Syndetic

Sindeton (bağlaçlı yapı)

Jean Pascal

SYNDETON, SYNDETIC (from Greek, meaning “bound together with”) refers to connecting clause elements (words, phrases) or sentence elements (clauses) using CONJUNCTIONS. The elements connected may be EQUAL (COORDINATION) or UNEQUAL (SUBORDINATION). If the elements connected are EQUAL (coordinated), such style of linking is called SYNDETIC PARATAXIS (coordination with conjunction). The example at the word level: (EN) a sweet, kind, and gentle girl / (TR) tatlı, kibar ve nazik bir kız. The example at the clausal level: (EN) We spent the holidays together, and we had a great time! / (TR) Tatilleri birlikte geçirdik ve harika zaman geçirdik! If the elements connected are UNEQUAL (subordinated), such style of linking is called SYNDETIC HYPOTAXIS (subordination with conjunction). There are no examples at the word level. The example at the clausal level: (EN) Then I understood that running meant dying. / (TR) Anladım ki onlardan kaçmak, ölmek demektir. In SYNDETIC COORDINATION with more than two conjuncts, the conjunction is placed between the two last conjuncts: (EN) I will need two bottles of wine, some cheese, and bread. / (TR) İki şişe şaraba, biraz peynire ve ekmeğe ihtiyacım olacak.

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