Parataksi (bağlaçsız birleşim)
Osman Hamdi Bey
PARATAXIS (from Greek, meaning “placing side by side”) refers to connecting clause elements (words, phrases) or sentence elements (clauses) independently (in a coordinate, rather than a subordinate, construction), thus highlighting their EQUAL (parallel) status. The elements may be connected with or without the customary conjunctions. In other words, they may be JUXTAPOSED or COORDINATED, respectively. If the elements are linked with a COORDINATING CONJUNCTION, such style of linking is called SYNDETIC PARATAXIS (coordination with conjunction). The example at the word level: (EN) a sweet, kind, and gentle girl / (TR) tatlı, kibar ve nazik bir kız. The example at the clausal level: (EN) We spent the holidays together, and we had a great time! / (TR) Tatilleri birlikte geçirdik ve harika zaman geçirdik! If the elements are linked without a COORDINATING CONJUNCTION, such style of linking is called ASYNDETIC PARATAXIS (coordination without conjunction). The example at the word level: (EN) a sweet, kind, gentle girl / (TR) tatlı, kibar, nazik bir kız. The example at the clausal level: (EN) I never vote for anyone; I always vote against. / (TR) Asla kimseye oy vermem, her zaman karşı oy kullanırım. PARATAXIS is very often confused with ASYNDETON (omission of conjunctions), or rather ASYNDETIC PARATAXIS (coordination without conjunction). In fact, PARATACTIC elements can be connected with conjunctions. What’s important about PARATAXIS is that it equalizes elements, removing any understanding of subordination. ASYNDETIC PARATAXIS is much more common in Turkish than in English.