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Asindeton (bağlaç dışılık)

Asyndeton, asyndetic

Asindeton (bağlaç dışılık)

Kahve Ocağı by Osman Hamdi Bey

ASYNDETON, ASYNDETIC (from Greek, meaning “unconnected”) refers to connecting clause elements (words, phrases) or sentence elements (clauses) with NO CONJUNCTIONS, i.e., by mere juxtaposition. The elements connected may be EQUAL (COORDINATION) or UNEQUAL (SUBORDINATION). If the elements connected are EQUAL (coordinated), the linking style is called ASYNDETIC PARATAXIS (coordination without conjunction). The example at the word level: (EN) a sweet, kind, gentle girl / (TR) tatlı, kibar, nazik bir kız. The example at the clausal level: (EN) I never vote for anyone; I always vote against. / (TR) Asla kimseye oy vermem, her zaman karşı oy kullanırım. If the elements connected are UNEQUAL (subordinated), such style of linking is called ASYNDETIC HYPOTAXIS (subordination without conjunction). The example at the word level: (EN) the big bad wolf / (TR) büyük kötü kurt. The examples at the clausal level: (EN) Should you change your mind, no one would blame you. / (TR) Fikrini değiştirirsen kimse seni suçlamaz. (EN) He said, “Go home!” / (TR) Bize, "Evinize git!" dedi. ASYNDETON (omission of conjunctions) is very often confused with PARATAXIS (connecting equal or parallel elements, with or without conjunctions), or rather ASYNDETIC PARATAXIS (coordination without conjunction). ASYNDETIC PARATAXIS is much more common in Turkish than in English.
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